5150 AutoSport

5150 AutoSport Pro-Series Turbo Build Kit, BMW N55

  • Sale
  • $4,449.99
  • Regular price $4,449.99

The 5150 AutoSport Pro-Series Turbo Build Kit: An all-inclusive arsenal of internals custom assembled to prepare your BMW N55 engine for high horsepower, turbocharged performance. 

A Kit for Every Build and Budget

There is no one size fits all, which is why we offer several stages of upgrade. Through careful selection and pairing of components, we are able to offer customers a variety of kit options, catering to each build and budget.


Stage 1
Horsepower Rating: 700 HP

- ARP2000 Head Stud Kit
- Genuine BMW Head Gasket
- CP-Carrillo Forged Piston Set
- SP Components Connecting Rod Set
    - ARP Connecting Rod Bolts
- 5150 High Performance Rod Bearing Set
- 5150 High Performance Main Bearing Set

Stage 2
Horsepower Rating: 1,000 HP

- ARP Custom Age 625+ Head Stud Kit
- Genuine BMW Head Gasket
- CP x 5150 Pro-Xtreme Forged Piston Set
    - Heavy Duty Piston Pins
    - Optional: Add Skirt Coating or Dome Coating
- CP-Carrillo x 5150 Pro-Xtreme Forged Connecting Rod Set
- 5150 High Performance Main Bearing Set
- 5150 High Performance Rod Bearing Set

Please Note: All engine modifications should be performed by a qualified professional to ensure a proper and safe installation process and a reliable, optimally performing engine.

It is a MUST to drill and tap the four outer 9mm holes in the engine block to increase their size to 11mm holes. This will ensure that all the engine block holes are uniform in size and can accommodate all 14x 11mm Studs. Additionally, it will help distribute even force across the cylinder head-gasket surface.